Friday, May 8, 2020

New Horizons .... Literally!

My oldest son, Tyson,  has wanted to get into the wind industry for quite some time. Life kept getting in the way. I am happy to say he starts his new job in June! Tyson and his wife are beyond excited!

Tyson isn't really sure what he will be doing, but he doesn't care. He wants to do it all .... and he is smart enough to do it all!  He loves the serenity .... and the gorgeous views .... of climbing up a wind tower to do his thing. He can see for miles, hence the new horizons.

Most wind farms are in remote locations. He is hoping to buy a truck and a 16 ft trailer to haul around from job to job. He will most likely work 6 wks on with one wk off, up to 70 hours per week. But when you are doing something you love, it doesnt' feel like work, right?

The ultimate goal? To move closer to his wife's family and live on the waterfront, river or lake. He has been checking out lake front property in New York. It is amazing how affortable it is. He has shared some of the properties he is looking out .... definity a chill vacation destination!! I am not sure I could handle the cold winters, but the fall? Make room! I'm coming!

Dad and I are so proud and so excited for this new chapter in his life!!

Congrats #1 son!!


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