Friday, February 19, 2021

Let It Snow - The Texas Winter Apocalypse

 Let It Snow - Frank Sinatra

The title of this blog has absolutely nothing to do with my fight against metastatic breast cancer and everything to do with this crazy weather we've had this past week in Texas. I fear this may become an annual event. Ugh!!

The Bishop household lost power for a total of 38 hours straight, beginning at 1:30 AM on Monday, February 14. Luckily we have a gas stove, so we were able to make hot tea, hot coffee, and hot meals. Water was fine, but we filled both tubs with water just in case. During the day, we wore up to three layers of clothes and at least two pairs of socks. At night, we piled the bed high with extra blankets and quilts. We managed to stay warm through the night with the exception of an occasional cold nose or face that managed to escape the blankets. 

We used Mike's car, and then mine, to charge cell phones and portable chargers. This proved to be a god send in helping us stay up to date as to what was going on, as well as keep us connected with the neighborhood to hear what others were experiencing and strategies to cope during this lovely storm. Cell signal was spotty at best, but we managed to call the kids from the car with no issues. By Tuesday noon, with no expectation of getting power at anytime on Tuesday, we ventured out on a search and find mission for gas so we could continue to use Mike's car to charge phones. Luckily the snow was light and fluffy, so driving wasn't too bad (as long as we didn't try to go uphill from a dead stop). When we drove by the grocery store to see if their pumps were working, we saw that the line to get in was at least 2-hours wait time, with more joining the line every second. It was crazy. It took three tries before we found a place with gas .... it was a 7-11; the store was closed but the pumps were on. Yay! 

We then decided to look for some fast food places open for a change of pace. The ONLY place we found open on Tuesday was Taco Bell. You know things are bad when the line for Taco Bell is blocks long. That is/was a pass for the Bishops. Nothing against Taco Bell, but if I am going to wait an hour or more in a huge line for food, it won't be Taco Bell.

Time to change strategy. We needed some chocolate ... and chips! That was another adventure! We finally found a convenience store that didn't have a line going out and around the store; spent $45 on chips and candy. Stress eating at its best! It was on the way back from our 3-hour seek and find mission that we got a call from our daughter to tell us we had power! We didn't get too excited until we made it back to the neighborhood ... and saw the outside garage light on for several homes. Thank you, God!!

We remained anxious, waiting for the power to go out again, until today. We finally found a press release today saying no more rolling brown outs. Whew! The extra blankets are still on the bed. We will probably put most of them up for another day. But I think we will leave at least one on the bed for that extra cozy snuggle of a warm bed. 

I did manage to get out and make a cool snow angel. I was hoping to also make a snowman, but the initial snow was too soft ... great for skiing but not for snowmen! By the time we had a nice ice mix to the snow, perfect for a snowman, it was too darn dangerous! I almost face planted stepping off my porch! I'll save that adventure for another day.

I finished Iana's blanket and made Mike's blanket during the storm. Amazing what you can get done with no distractions. 

I finished Iana's blanket (the green one) and then worked and completed Mike's blanket - the maroon and white one. Can you tell he is a Texas A&M fan?

My greatest accomplishment? Bread!  I made bread! Before your roll your eyes and think, "Pulease! Bread is a no brainer", please consider this ... my first attempt to make bread was a disaster. It was so hard I could use it as a door stop or a weapon. So when my son asked "Is it edible?", I was not offended. That is always a legitimate question for anything I make in my kitchen. 

I have since tried French bread but I missed a step .... it didn't rise the way it was suppose to. But it still tastes great! I will try again this weekend .

Hope all my Texas family and friends fared okay and are getting back to normal ... or as normal as possible, two days post Apocalypse!

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