Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Back to the Office

Whew! This was a long time coming. I went into the office Tuesday for the first time in probably two weeks. It was so nice to see everyone! I was greeted with many hugs and well wishes from my friends and co-workers. Many made a point to stop by and check on me throughout the day. So blessed to be surrounded by such caring people. I also have some "mama" bears around, making sure I get in my exercise, drink my water, and eat lunch (I forgot today until I was reminded to eat; she even picked out a healthy lunch!). Love my "mama" and "papa" bears looking out for me. How can I not kick this thing to the curb with so many having my back and watching over me?

I'll admit I was a bit apprehensive being in the office for this first time in days. I was a bit fearful that being at work would wear me out. It didn't. I got this. Back to business as usual! Yay!

After work, I headed straight to the best hair dresser in Austin, Amy Salas (hit me up for her number if you need a great stylist). A little about my history with Amy. We go back at least 5 years when I was looking for a stylist near the office. We hit it off immediately, she embraced my adventurous spirit and the rest is history. We've gone from short and pink and/or purple, to longer with white streaks, back to short and lilac. Seriously, I have NEVER had a stylist that can take me through the transition stages of short to long without me giving up and whacking it all off again …. until Amy. She is truly gifted and is able to make my hair stylish while growing it out, and then genius again when I decide to go back to bold and short. As great as Amy is at her craft, she is an even better person. We have developed a relationship that I will cherish always. When I texted her, told her about my diagnosis, and asked if she would buzz it for me before it started falling out, she didn't hesitate. Not only did she buzz my hair pretty darn short, she even made it look good (I told you she is a genius). Then we played with my wig. Amy had to show me how to put it on. I'm such a goober sometimes. We had a great time! Thank you, Amy!!

Wednesday rolls in. I head to the office donning my new wig. I must say, I was looking stylist today. Pictures to follow. What is not evident in the picture is the peek-a-boo multi-color streaks in the back. So me! I had lots of compliments on my hair!

I am changing my telecommute schedule around during chemo. I have heard two different schools of thought. One is that I will be very tired the day after chemo. The other is that I will be very tired two to three days post chemo. With that in mind, I've asked to telecommute on Mondays so I can sleep in a bit more, take a nap at lunch if needed, and not worry about a two hour commute. I would hate to be on the road if I am truly dragging from chemo. Then in the office Tuesday and Wednesday, telecommute on Thursday (or into the office if needed) then off Friday for chemo. We'll see how this works and adjust if necessary.

I almost forgot!  Good news on the MRI front. No cancer in the bones and no neck or spine obstruction from that pesky Voldemort!  Yay!!

My oldest sister will be in town tomorrow night through Monday to make sure I eat healthy. She is a gourmet cook and has a feast in store for me and hubby during her visit. She will be back the following week to take me to chemo and make sure I am still eating healthy. Can't wait!


  1. Great news with the MRI! Tell CaCa I love her! See y'all Saturday

  2. Glad to hear the good news with the MRI!


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