Monday, October 14, 2019

PET Results

I've been getting so many questions about the PET results.  The whole thing is a 3-page report but they summarize it at the end.  Here's the skinny:
  • Intense hypermetabolism in the left pectoralis intramuscular lesion highly suspicious for recurrent malignant disease
  • Extensive lymph node metastases in the left neck and chest
  • Bilateral small pleural effusions/thickening, left greater than right
Translation: the cancer is in my left pectoral muscle and in several lymph nodes in my left neck and chest. What does this mean treatment wise? Nothing. We stay the course. The chemo should kill those suckers (I hate the word "kill" but in this case, I can't think of a better word).

Obviously, the doctors aren't giving any guarantees. They aren't even waging a guess on the overall prognosis. I'm okay with that. I choose to believe, correctly or not, that I have a fighting chance.

I am still waiting on the final pathology of the biopsied tumor. My main concern is its sensitivity to hormones and if the tumor grade has changed from 2 to 3, with 3 being aggressive. That could dictate treatment options in the future.  Meanwhile ….

Onward through the fog!!


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