Friday, January 10, 2020

Another Brick In the Wall

Chemo #14 in the books. This is getting to be routine, my new normal. Hence the title, "another brick in the wall" from Pink Floyd. In the first of the 3-part song, the first time it is referenced, the line "its just another brick in the wall" indicates the event happens all the time,  indiscernible from any other like it. This is my point citing this line. To be fair, as the song progresses, the line takes on other meanings, more adversarial. Regardless, this is one of my favorite Pink Floyd songs. Take a listen:

Another Brick In the Wall from Pink Floyd

After Mike and I checked in, I head back to the infusion room to get blood drawn before we visit with the PA and then start chemo. We were the first ones in the infusion room today! I asked where all the customers were. The nurses thought I was a little cray cray for referring to cancer patients as customers. They just shake their head at me.

Again, we are relegated to the back room today. Also empty, sans nurses, when we get there. Blood drawn, head to wait to be called back to see Hannah. Once again, Hannah tells me by blood levels are perfect. I'll never get tired of hearing that. I know one day I will, but not today. I asked Hannah if I was on chemo light cuz I can't believe my body is handling Taxol so well. She agreed everyone is happily surprised, but she assured me I am on the big boy dose. Well, that settles that! Something to be grateful for - Thank you, God!!

Remember we talked about my nagging cedar fever cough from last week? Well, this morning I am coughing up stuff that has some color to it, a sign Hannah asked that we look for and tell her about. I did. We both agreed that we need to get in front of this, especially with cedar being out of control right now. Hannah ordered me a Z-Pack. I picked it up from the in-house pharmacy before I left. How cool, and convenient, is that? So now I am on anti-biotics. I am feeling better already; probably all in my head but I'm okay with that.

Back to the infusion room. I have time to dance while waiting for meds. On the dance list today, a little of everything:

Sweet Caroline - Neil Diamond - you have to sing along!!
Chain of Fools - Aretha Franklin - gotta have some Aretha!!
Bang Bang - Jesse J, Ariana Grande, Nicki Minaj - something more current
I'm All Right - Kenny Loggins - love him!!
How Great Thou Art - Stic Yard - I LOVE this! My daily inspiration!
The Prayer - Celine and Josh Groban - Didn't dance, but another song I listen to frequently

Here come my meds! Dance party over! I found out something interesting about my nurse. She used to be a competitive ballroom dancer. She used to teach dance, including Salsa! I told her she needed to teach my Salsa, just the basic rhythm. She smiles and says its been a long time. Maybe I can work on her. How cool is that, though!

Administering the meds goes as planned. I get the Benadryl and lights out for a few minutes. Then the steroids, and now, the big boy - Taxol!! If you have been reading my blog, you know I ice my hands and feet during Taxol to avoid neuropathy (so far its working!). I finally had Michael take a picture. I have on two pairs of socks on both my hands and feet... and they are still cold. In the picture, you see a blanket on my lap. Trust me, when the pic was done, the blanket goes up to my chin with a request for a second blanket. IT WAS COLD IN THERE!! An hour later, Taxol done, ice packs off, IV taken out, and we're free to go. Until next week ...

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