Saturday, January 18, 2020

Kickin' It Like a Boss!

Chemo #15 in the history books. Once again, blood levels are great …. oh wait, my hemoglobin was one measurement higher than it should be. Hannah's take? Pfft!! They are still stellar in her eyes. The docs remain amazed that I am doing so well on Taxol. Let's hope this trend continues for another 9 rounds. So far, I am kickin' cancer like a boss!! I am feeling like a bad ass cancer kickin' warrior of love!

I'm even impressed with myself!  Okay girl, knock it off and stay humble. I am blessed.

There was a young girl next to me today. By young, I am guessing early 30's. She has already had several rounds of AC, which is a bad mamma-jamma cancer killer I'm told. Now on to Taxol which should be easier for her to tolerate. My only advice, cuz she has been through a rough patch with that AC, was to get the ice packs for hands and feet to fend of neuropathy. I recommended she wear socks on her hands. But, she is managing the ice packs with no cover. Now, THAT is kickin' it like a boss!!
It always breaks my heart when I see the young ones. So much life ahead of them. I pray she will kick this beast and live years to tell about it.

Cathy is back for a visit! Always great to have her here. We still have lots in the freezer so massive cooking is not in the cards. That being said, she introduced Mike and I to Pho. Now, I know those that already know Pho are thinking "get with the program!". They are right! It was great! I need to get the base recipe for the sauce and see if I can add it to my limited arsenal of comfort foods. Cathy also made some grilled chicken to eat by itself or add to the Pho. We will do both. Later today, its another quiche for me. Love my quiche.

One of Cathy's sage pieces of advice in her first visit was to keep moving. I have taken that advice to heart and think it may be one of the reasons I am doing so well. There are days I just don't want to walk Sam (too cold, too wet), and I've succumbed to that negative impulse periodically. But no more. I am pushing those thoughts aside and walking, rain, shine, warm, cold. My friend Tanima and I walk at lunch when we are both in the office, averaging about 8000 steps. I don't walk as fast as I use to but I am still moving, doing things, living life.

Cathy and I are going to a loop yarn class at Joann's today. Guess I should have done that before making a blanket for my friend, Mark. Sorry, Mark! I think the blanket turned out relatively well, especially for my first attempt. But truth be told, the final stitching didn't look anything like the picture. Oops! I will make you another one, Mark!

Tomorrow I am hooking up with my breast cancer group for brunch. This is a group of women I met on We are all ages, all stages in the Hill Country area. Sometimes there are only two or three of us hooking up, sometimes we have a larger group. It just depends on what's happening in everyone's life. Regardless, these ladies are amazing and a great support group. Jen is the ringleader and keeps us all connected. You've heard me talk about Jen multiple times. She's the one that got me my "Fuck Cancer" tea cup and saucer, which I love!

My brother, Boady, is coming in for a visit on Thursday for the weekend. He needs to check up on his baby sister and make sure I'm not just putting on a happy face in my blog. I assure all of you I am keeping it real. I feel GREAT! So, so blessed. God is good! Boady warned me that he will cook but he doesn't cook healthy … he cooks the good stuff! LOL!! See? My family knows I am not known for my culinary skills!

I am signed up to play in a volleyball tournament fundraiser next Sunday for my friend with pancreatic cancer - don't hate, I used to play competitive volleyball several days a week. Who cares if I was 20 years younger. The tournament director is putting together teams based on if you can get the ball over the net or not, so no high expectations. I don't have the arm strength for my killer overhand serve anymore, but I can ALWAYS get the ball over the net.

In  early February, I am going to one of two head wrap demonstrations with my ex-boss and friend, Maryloretta. We are deciding which of the two to go too. They are in the same week, just different days. I am leaning toward the African head wraps cuz the fabrics are absolutely beautiful. The bookshop sponsoring the event is an independent women owned shop. They have a nice restaurant in the store, so we will make it a dinner and demonstration night. Can't wait!

I need to schedule some grandbaby time, one for Hazel so I can concentrate on just her and one for my boys. Probably different weekends, cuz the boys go to their Dad's most weekends. I need to steal them from Nicole on one of her weekends.

No moss growing under this old gal's feet! Living my best life every day.


  1. 20 years ago...I recall you played volleyball in high school, but that was about 40 years ago.

  2. Yes, I played in High School but I also played up to four times a week in league and open play when I lived in Houston. I took the kids with me … well, until I got Daisy, then they stayed home with her on league night. I also played in several sand tournaments in Galveston. I quit playing after we moved to Dallas because I couldn't find a league to play in. Houston has a great volleyball community, not so much in Dallas. Or it wasn't then. Wonder if I can find an "old person's" league here. I can play at the rec center twice a week, but most people there are a lot younger and they think I am not going to get the ball so they step in front of me and sometimes even knock me down trying to get to the ball …. so I quit going. Believe it or not, I played better as an adult than I did in high school.


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