Tuesday, June 30, 2020

I'm Alright ...

I'm Alright by Kenny Loggins

I'm alright …

We got the high level PET results today. The difference between May 1 results to now couldn't be more different. Even Dr. Kocs seemed a bit surprised. Here goes:
  • The liver is enlarged. She's angry. I would be too if I had a 2.5 cm tumor taking up space.
  • New tumors in lymph nodes around the liver
  • New tumors in lymph nodes in my chest
  • Tumors in the lymph nodes in my neck have grown since the last scan
    • I asked specifically about Voldemort
    • Dr. Kocs is more worried about the liver than he is Voldemort
  • The chemo has quit working .... DUH!!
  • No travel
  • Don't even think about going to the office; he will write a note to that effect but in medical terms
So now what? Well, I told Dr. Kocs I wanted a kick butt treatment that won't kill me before the cancer does. We have about 8 to choose from. We are going with Eribulin. I will be back in the infusion room with the ladies once every week for two weeks, then one week off; rinse and repeat. We will be testing tumor markers during my off week. After three cycles (I think) we do another PET to see how treatment is working …. or not working.

Side effects are typical chemo stuff: hair loss, neuropathy, nausea, weight loss (YES), and more. I haven't lost my hair yet, but I think third time is a charm. I won't go shaving my head just yet; I am saving that for when my hair starts falling out … about 4 weeks out.

This is protocol number 3 in 9 months. I think this will be my life for a while until we find something that finally stumps my sneaky and resilient ILC cancer. Sigh! I told Dr. Kocs I wanted to get to NED (no evidence of disease) so I can take a breather! We have another 20+ things to try, including genetic therapy and immunotherapy. We are saving that for later.

All in all, the Bishop family is handling the news okay. I think we still need a day or so to process. Who wants to hear that more and more tumors keep attacking me? Not me, but that's my new reality. So, give me a day or so to feel sorry for myself and eat "Pity" ice cream. I am alright. I will be alright. I just know I need to be diligent, know my body, push for tests, and be fierce in being my own advocate until I am too sick to do it.

I don't have the full PET results; they aren't posted yet. As always, I will share as soon as I have them. I will also post some information about my new chemo and all the fun I can expect. Stay tuned for an update this weekend.

I will be happy to answer any questions you may have, but I will know more in a few days. Now off to eat my pity ice cream and take a hot bath.


  1. I have no words to express how I feel about this. Here is what I can say...you are the strongest of us all, you have the best attitude and determination to beat the shit out of this, and you are loved and cherished beyond measure. I love you dearly. Let me know what I can do to support you.

  2. You just did what I need. Love you!

  3. I have no words but hang in there and remember you are loved and we have your back. You are a warrior woman as Beautiful would say so you got this.

  4. Thank you. Its help the fight knowing others are beside me in spirit!


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