Thursday, May 27, 2021

Don't You Worry Bout A Thing

Don't You Worry Bout A Thing by Stevie Wonder 

Wow!  Where do I start? So much has gone on over the past few weeks. Rising tumor markers one cycle, then one up, one down the next; iron pills that did a job on my body, so much so I was miserable, in pain, and completely out of whack for two weeks ... I'm still working on getting back to normal; I lost five pounds in the process, to the point the doctors are a bit concerned (don't worry, I still have five to ten to go before we need to break out the steroids that make me want to eat everything in site). 

What's causing all this drama in my body? My cancer. Aggressive little cuss, trying to have its way with me. I've hurt in one place or another for the past month. Nothing real bad, but bad enough that it impacts my stamina, my energy level, my mood. Once the pain goes away, I have instant energy and I'm ready to go. But I hate taking Advil or Tylenol every day. Hate it! My body is not a fan either. I will be testing out various CBD oil doses this weekend to see what works best as a better alternative.

So ... what's hurting? My constant companion these days is my lower back. I don't handle constant well. I've also had bouts of arthritis in my hands, my wrist, my feet. That typically lasts a day or so, but again its an annoyance when its happening. My left kidney is swollen due to progression in my lymph nodes and causing discomfort. This too will pass. I still consider myself very lucky. I have it so much easier than most cancer patients.

We moved the PET up from 6/5 to 5/21. That was a brutal day. To squeeze the PET in, I had to do chemo in the morning, then the PET in the afternoon. I left the house at 8 and didn't get home until 4. Long, long day. I was HANGRY by the time I got home, as I was not allowed anything but water after I got up. Luckily, I had a roasted chicken and veggies waiting for me when I got home. Yummy!!

So ... what did the PET have to say? Nothing good, I assure you. I was not expecting great news, but this was the worse result we've had to date. Almost everything has progressed, New lesions in my bones; the ball joint on my left hip and a spot on my lower back. My left kidney is swollen because the lymph nodes around it are getting larger, trapping fluid in that kidney. The writeup was two pages long .... TWO! Fun, right? Worrisome is a term the radiologist used. Ya think?! Sigh. Here is the summary:

PET/CT Impression:

  1. Overall findings are worrisome for progression of disease, with increased FDG uptake noted of multiple nodal groups as described above
  2. In addition, there are several new osseous lesions as well (bones)
  3. New moderate hydronephrosis of the left kidney, likely due to the worsening retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy
  4. New small tracer avid left pleural effusion (lung; this comes and goes)
  5. Similar avidity is noted of the previously mentioned hepatic lesions (liver)
So now what? On to treatment protocol number 6 ... DOXIL! This is the mother of all chemos. Well maybe not, but it is one of the more toxic chemos out there, so much so that it's best if I stay away from people for the first 5 days post infusion. The good news? I only do the infusion once a month. The better news? They fully expect it to let the cancer know who's boss. I asked specifically about the left kidney and I was told "no worries, the chemo will take care of that".

I spoke to the nurses about it last week. They all feel I will handle Doxil like a champ, as I have all the other chemo. Regardless, I am happy I have a 3-day weekend to recoup just in case. I've put hubby on notice I plan on being a couch potato on Saturday as a precaution. That may only last a few hours once I realize that, once again, I am having no real side effects. One thing docs will watch is my heart. I have to get an Echo-cardiogram next week as a baseline. Apparently, we will be checking my heart on a regular basis. 

It sounds sick, but I'm looking forward to this treatment. I have high expectations that my cancer will meet its match. I want to stay on it as long as possible, providing the benefits outweigh the risks. Then I suspect we go on a strong maintenance drug to keep the cancer from returning to its former glory.

Here is a brief summary of common Doxil side effects:
  • Hair loss
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Sores in the mouth and on the lips
  • diarrhea
  • fast or irregular heartbeat
  • shortness of breath
  • swelling of the fee and lower legs
  • joint pain
  • lower back or side pain
  • cough or hoarseness accompanied by fever or chills
There are more, but I don't want to freak you out. Look it up if you are interested and remember ... I AM the chemo queen and have managed to dodge side effects so far.

So, my advice for myself, my family, my friends, and those that read the blog: don't you worry about a thing. I'm going to get through this treatment and be better off when it's time to move on to protocol #7. We got this!  I got this! Time to get my chemo dance on!!

1 comment:

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