Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Spinning Wheel

Spinning Wheel by Blood, Sweat, and Tears I do not own the rights to this music

The first verse of this song says it all. "What goes up, must come down". Sadly, my tumor markers are ignoring this rule of gravity. They are going in the opposite direction:

To be fair, these bad boys HAVE been in normal range in the past, but as you can see, it's been a roller coaster for the past few months. What is really frustrating is that my liver enzymes and other blood work is fine. Can I just say that CANCER SUCKS!!

Okay, got that out of the way. So what now? Well, we test tumor markers again when I go in for chemo on 5/14. If they are still on the rise, we move up the PET, currently scheduled for 6/5, to the week of 5/17. Texas Oncology has proven they can move quickly on getting scans approved and scheduled when necessary. 

If the PET proves what I suspect, that Abraxane has quit working, then we go for treatment #6 in less than 20 months. We already know the next treatment in line is an infusion done once a month. This tells me this one is a bad mother and may be the one treatment that will test the self-proclaimed chemo queen.

BRING. IT. ON!! I know people who have had treatments that probably make this one look like a picnic, so who am I to complain. They've all come out the other side, thinner maybe but alive and kicking. This is why I always do chemo on Friday .... so I have the weekend to recoup if I succumb to any side effects. As most of you know, I've dodged that bullet for over 18 months. Maybe my grace has run out? Or not! We shall see.

Anyway, the next two weeks are going to be interesting and hopefully fast paced. I don't want any dilly dallying around. The cancer is not going to take a vacation why we decide next steps, so let's get a move on! 

Time to kick some cancer ass!

Watch this space ...


  1. Praying you remain the Queen of Chemo and that the tumors grow smaller. Also you can shout, yell, scream or whatever you need to do that cancer sucks. Still sending good vibes.

  2. Thank you, cuz. Me too! Cancer does suck, No matter how you slice and dice it. I just have to say it out loud sometimes. Thanks for the prayers!

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