Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Get Happy!

 Get Happy - Sam Smith and Renée Zellweger I don't own the rights to the music or the picture

I started reading some posts on today, in particular one I had commented on. There are stories upon stories of women who are angry and who would blame them. Cancer can turn your life upside down .... if you let it. Sadly, many are taking that route.

What disturbed me the most were those that encouraged the anger throughout the cancer fight. Almost praising those that hang onto the anger. In fact, there is a thread where women can continue to vent. It isn't a thread I will visit. For those that read my blog on a regular basis, you intuitively know why.

While I agree that everyone has a right to be angry and mad and sad and a whole host of emotions, I don't agree with staying in that space. Think about it. How do you feel and how does your body feel when you are angry? For me, I feel horrible! Why stay in that space? What purpose does it serve? All it does is throw more negativity into the universe. The last thing I need is that negative energy coming back to me .... and it will.

I had some news last week that rocked my world for a bit. My tumor markers that WERE on their way down decided to change course. They are now higher than ever ... the CA 27-29 numbers now exceed 600 (for context, high normal is 38). I won't say I was angry, but I was very very disappointed .... and sad. It took me a couple of days and digging real deep to find my happy place again. But I DID FIND IT!

Everyday we wake up and have a choice. We can choose happy or we can choose the opposite. Sometimes it takes work to find the happy place. But I assure you, it is ALWAYS worth the effort to choose happy! 

Everyone's happy place is different. My go to happy place is a hot bath. But it isn't my only happy place. The tub is where I go when I feel my cancer is misbehaving. I also have several other go-to things that make me happy:

  • Listening and dancing to catchy music 
  • Watching the hummingbird and the monarch butterfly feasting on the flowers in the front bed
  • Watching storms roll in 
  • Thunderstorms
  • Jigsaw puzzles (only those with big pieces ... I'm old and can't see squat)
  • Walking and loving on Sam
  • Talking to my grandchildren 
  • Stealing a few minutes throughout the day just to say "Hi" to my hubby or give him a hug
  • Beautiful landscapes feed my soul
  • The beach
  • Taking great pictures
There are more, way too many to post here. My point is there is so much in your life that can make you happy. You just have to choose happy over the alternative. I never said it was easy .... but it is definitely worth it. 

I hope all of you find and cherish your "Happy"!


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