- I have Metastatic Breast Cancer; Stage 4
- It is not curable but it is manageable
- 4.5 centimeter tumor contained in a lymph node in my neck
- No surgery because of its location and structures involved
- We need to shrink, then kill it as soon as possible, again due to structures involved
- Full pathology report is not in yet, but he suspects the tumor makeup will be the same when I was first diagnosed - grade 2, E/P+, HER2-
- This is good; it means after chemo, new hormone treatment is possible
- Prognosis is a crap shoot; could be 2 months, could be 20 years
- We're shooting for the 20 years :)
- Treatment:
- Eight weeks of chemo (Taxol) to start
- Targeted therapy (radiation) after chemo is possible to make sure we kill all the nasty cancer cells in the neck; don't want to revisit this area - ever!
- There are a whole slew of treatment options available to us, including immunotherapy, once we shrink and kill the monster in my neck
- Diet or lifestyle changes?
- No science to back it up
- Would recommend a dietician if I needed to lose weight that could be inhibiting treatment
- Supplements?
- CBD Oil - legal; okay to use but not as a substitute. However, use caution in that it could impact how the chemo works; most patients use if for anxiety
- Frankincense - again, no science behind it.
- The party starts ... NOW!! Translation - its getting real very quickly
Not great news, not catastrophic news. It's just news. Surprisingly, we are okay; we are at peace. I am hanging my hat on "My faith is stronger than my fear". Let go and let God.
Bring it!!
Bring it on! Let me know if you need me to send you some edibles :)