Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Sunshine on my Shoulders

  Sunshine on my Shoulders by John Denver  I don't own the rights to this music or this picture

Last time I posted, it was during my chemo off week and I felt GREAT! A lot has gone on these past couple of weeks. First, my tumor markers remain out of control and are still on the rise, just not as much. Second, my PET was canceled. Third, I have no appointments scheduled with my oncologists office and I am waiting to hear back. Finally, I think we found the sweet spot on the chemo dose! Yahoo!!

As I said, tumor markers remain on the rise, but that is to be expected, especially starting a new treatment. It can take a couple of cycles. I am not concerned. But ... there is always a "but" ... if they continue to rise, we could be looking at treatment number 8. I am not ready to give up on number 7 just yet!

As for the PET getting canceled, it is because they did not get approvals on time. I see it as a blessing in disguise. A PET at this point in the cycle is really pointless. Why spend $100 co-pay knowing the results won't mean much because we were just one cycle in. I am waiting to hear back on the new date. I suspect during my off week after cycle 3, which will be mid-October.

Because the PET was canceled, there is no point in meeting with Dr. Kocs. We only meet for the "BIG" appointments, which is typically to go over PET results or some other test that could indicate my cancer is or is not getting better. There were also short a PA or two, so since I am feeling fine ... good actually ... they decided to just have me come in, draw the labs, and do my monthly Zometa infusion (bone meds). This is to help avoid fractures since I have several lesions on my bones. And since I didn't meet with a PA or Dr. Kocs, there are no orders on file for future appointments. I have a call into their office. Still haven't heard back, so another call is in order.

During my last visit with Rachel (almost two weeks ago), we discussed a plan to determine at what point and at what dosage does the dizziness kick in. We started off the beginning of cycle 2 with 2/2, then on Monday, we upped it to 3/2. This past Friday, we upped it to 3/3. By Sunday morning, I started to feel dizzy. Not much, but noticeable. I took a vertigo pill and all was good in 2 hours or less. Rinse and repeat Monday. I am still on 3/3 but as of this writing, I have not been dizzy today at all. Let's see what happens tomorrow. Regardless, I think we've found the sweet spot! I am not brave enough ... yet ... to go back to 4/4, as 4/4 put me on the floor! 

My only concern now is that my legs feel like lead when I try to walk with Dad and Sam. I can make it to the mailbox and home (1/2 mile) but I can't walk the 1.4 miles we walk every morning. This didn't start until I went to 3/3. I am curious if it stops on my off week ... I suspect it will. My off week starts Friday night, so we'll see.

I have read that many women stay on this medicine for 3+ years and are doing well. I want to be in that group! They have bone and liver mets like me, so I am hopeful I can also take this medicine for a long time. For the first time in forever, I am thinking I may be able to plan more than 6 months ahead. It's a great feeling!!

There is more good news! I was asked by my sister to speak to her office about my breast cancer journey during their Breast Cancer awareness campaign. I am very honored to be asked to share my story. This happens in mid-October. I'll let you know how it goes. I hope I do my family proud!


  1. I am hoping they record it so we can share with everyone. Thanks much for doing this!

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